We hopen op zoveel mogelijk mensen die de huismussen in hun hart dragen.

Dr Jenny De Laet
Beleidsmedewerker ABLLO vzw


Second announcement:

The Decline of the Urban House Sparrow:
Research into the causes and conservation

Hereby we invite you for the 6th WGUS meeting in the Netherlands (Breda) on the 20th and the 21th of March 2019. The meeting is a cooperation between:

  • The city of Breda
  • Vogelbescherming Nederland (Birdlife Netherlands)
  • ABLLOvzw and Group Terrec UGent.

This meeting is open for researchers investigating the decline in urban House Sparrows. The meeting aims to summarise the current state of knowledge about the rate and causes of sparrow declines in cities across Europe. The meeting also provides a forum to allow exchange of information about practical methods and opportunities for collaboration, and stimulates new areas of research and conservation.

The first day of the meeting is reserved for talks. The second day of the meeting is reserved for short communications, a poster session and a sparrow walk in Breda.

During the second day of the meeting there will be in the afternoon a parallel symposium ‘nature-inclusive building’

From the International Airports of Amsterdam and Brussels, Breda can be reached easily by train. There is also a good public transport connection with the airports of Eindhoven and Rotterdam/The Hague.

Important dates

  • 15 Feb. 2019: Deadline for registration
  • 25 Jan. 2019: Deadline for the submission of abstracts for talks, posters or short communication. Please submit abstracts by email to Jenny De Laet (Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.) as soon as possible
  • 15 Feb. 2019 : Decision of acceptance
  • 25 Feb. 2019: Final program will be sent out
  • 20 March 2019 : Meeting begins

Venue, travel- and accommodation information.
After registration, you get all practical information on the location of the meeting and possibilities for staying in Breda. 




Wase Koepel voor natuur.studie of kort WAKONA is een gemeenschappelijk, overkoepelend initiatief van verschillende afdelingen en werkgroepen van Natuurpunt, waaraan ook enkele andere natuurverenigingen (vzw Durme, Ons Streven, JNM) en onafhankelijke werkgroepen meewerken.
Het werkingsgebied omvat het Waasland, Antwerpen-LinkeroeverZwijndrechtHammeZele en Berlare.